Self Talk: Be Kind To Yourself

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Have you heard of the experiment with three pots, each with plants in them, that were spoken to with different kinds of language? One was spoken to with kind, positive, encouraging words, the next with neutral and indifferent language and the third with harsh, judgmental, negative words.⁠

Each of the plants grew differently and I'm sure you can guess which one absolutely thrived, which grew relatively well and which one withered and looked considerably sickly!⁠

The words and stories you tell yourself do matter! They are very much connected to your feelings and the actions you take.⁠

Practice being compassionate and kind to yourself. Become conscious of your thoughts and start to notice if you are often putting yourself down with stories like "I'm not good enough", "I should of done x/y/z...", "I'm hopeless" etc.⁠

Would you speak to a loved one or even a stranger like that? It all starts with awareness and then with the practice of letting go of the harsh, outdated, negative stories that no longer serve you, you can then start to engage more in positive, kind and compassionate words.⁠

You are the one person who needs to live with yourself for your lifetime, you may as well make a commitment to give yourself every opportunity to thrive.⁠

We can't get rid of thoughts, but we can become more aware of them, step back from them and choose whether to get caught up with them or let them pass us by like clouds in the sky. I know what kind of thoughts and stories I'd prefer to get caught up in versus just letting others go!⁠

It's time to give yourself permission to thrive.⁠

Want to work on your self talk together? Book an appointment and lets chat!


Too Busy for your own self?


The Currency of TIME: Life's Most Precious Commodity.⁠